By the time the ’90s arrived, Captain America had fallen out of favor in the comic book and media world. However, as noted by AKAPAD The Film Buff, something remarkable happened during his appearance in X-Men: The Animated Series. This moment not only revived interest in the character but also inspired an entire generation to […]
AKAPAD The Film continues his deep dive into all things Captain America, exploring key discussion points of his first-ever live-action appearance in the 1944 Republic serial. AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · CAPTAIN AMERICA 1944 SERIAL *** The original article that accompanied the podcast description. Before Chris Evans suited up, before the MCU was even […]
The internet came down on Black Adam and it’s due to low-opinion dorks that can’t have fun with a flick. It’s an odd state in film opinion, sad this is prevalent in most modern takes. Black Adam saved the DCEU, that’s its lasting legacy. AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · #550 – Black Adam is […]
1941 movie theaters were rocked by a 12-episode series of a superhero more popular than Superman, Captain Marvel was the gold standard of superhero fiction at one point. So, let’s have a look at a form of entertainment long forgotten. AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · #543 – The Adventures of Captain Marvel / SHAZAM!
Like nearly everything from the modern-day MCU Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is two films in one. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #462 – Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
For AKAPAD’s Audio Audacity episode 460 we bring you the 6th and final installment of the Loki Series 1 and it might be the best single hour we have yet to see from the entire MCU. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #460 – LOKI EPS 6 from Disney+ the greatest hour of the MCU
It’s been a long wait to finally see Moon Knight on screen. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #458 – MOON KNIGHT from Disney +
Has the point of a show been lost with the pursuit of endless MCU connections, does the dislike for Hawkeye prove that fans can’t have fun with the MCU? AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #457 – HAWKEYE from Disney+
There is a market to comment and to build fast reaction opinions and in so have an enemy. Yet, again we are reminded that the enemy is a movie. Black Widow is here, does it matter where it falls in the MCU timeline? AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · BLACK WIDOW to THE ETERNALS what does […]
Hollywood wants its own superheroes and We Can Be Heroes is another smart attempt at this, this film wins of every level, and as you can guess few people picked up on it. Also in this amazing episode, we answer the question is Robert Rodrigues the Quinten Tarantino we always wanted? **And apologies – I […]
Here we go. Finally, a film-created superhero universe that’s ready to go. Do not sleep on Project Power. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · 364 – Project Power from Netflix
Birds of Prey is great to look at and is filled with hot babes.What is there not to love?
No other character was created with as much intent for change as Wonder Woman.
Do we finally have our proof that the serous gritty DC Universe was the correct movie?
Wonder Woman Bloodlines has giant Medusa attacking Themyscira – That’s all you need to know.
Thus far this overlooked 2009 animated feature delves into the mythology of Wonder Woman like nothing before or since.
Here we go. It’s getting all to common when you begin the analysis of a film by saying “the internet hates this flick” even now as I write this I feel immune to this type of heat around a flick. So the film that originally was supposed to be the DeLuca Christmas day flick a […]
Only a few movies are mythic. This is one of them. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #343 Thanksflicking -Superman The Movie
This is it the finally of the five film DC animated universe block. How well does this series wrap up? AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #306 Justice League Dark Apokolips War
What’s on your list of the greatest R rated animated features? Constantine City of Demons made my list so get ready for the fourth film in this five DC Animation block. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #305 Constantine City of Demons is one of the greatest R rated animated features
Of the five film featured in this massive DC animation epic Justice League is the weakest entry but it still serves as a solid introduction to the concepts and relationships we see through to the end. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #303 Justice League War – DC Animation
Justice League Dark is your entry into the magic side of the DC Universe and there can be no better film to do that than this one here. JLD is another fantastic film in this DC animation block. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #304 Justice League Dark – DC Animation
Part one our DC animated universe epic is here. Pete is ready to answer what the heck a Flash Point is. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #302 Justice League Flashpoint Paradox
Bloodshot is a little known comic book and it’s film adaptation will soon suffer the same fate. Staring Vin Diesel Bloodshot is another attempt to create a juggernaut franchise to compete with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #290 BLOODSHOT
Even now too many people have slept on this movie. Shazam should be labeled as the beginning of the DCEU. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #281 SHAZAM
Some of us have been waiting since 1991 for this film. It’s good to finally go to a theater with a Venom popcorn bucket and finally, finally see this character done right on the big screen. Internal Tags: Marvel Comics Comic Books Horror Movie SuperHero Super Hero Super-Hero Todd Mcfarlane
It’s here. Black Panther. Where are the Dream Warriors with perhaps the most responsibly progressive blockbuster to date after drinking a bottle of Tito’s?
Episode #69 was all about Spielberg where I attacked his modern day output. To be fair I decided to watch the films of his that I had not seen which are mostly from the last few years. Why? Because Dream Warriors is about knowing every angle- as much as possible.
The 1st Appearance of the content push that’s obsessively occupies Pete’s life for the past 3ish years. In 1994 Roger Corman produced a now legendary Fantastic Four movie that is yet to be released. 3 years ago 3 drunk dudes sat down to watch this movie.
We’re back to the 90’s with SPAWN the movie that was supposed to change the world but didn’t. Still the good out ways the bad with this one and it’s still the one true horror superhero movie. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · Dream Warriors – 31 Days of Dread – Day 8 – SPAWN
The road to 50 continues and this times it’s a full analysis of Spider-Man Homecoming with Marc the Merc. How well does this movie fold into the MCU? Should you go see it? Does the movie have the Ramones? Listen and find out in this episode of Dream Warriors.
Pete and John are on the road to catch one of the Summers Biggest movies Spider-Man Homecoming. What do they think? Is it any good? How much has Pete had to drink? Listen and find out.