Disney Plus and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are doing some interesting things when it comes to long-form storytelling. Falcom and Winter Soldier is by far the most digestible of this MCU rollout. Let’s have a look at Marvel’s Another 48 Hours. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #427 – Finally my thoughts on Disney’s THE FALCON […]
Now, here is a wild thought. How about we watch something deep, interesting, and complex- let it sit for a few months – watch it again then give our thoughts about it. How wild of a concept is that? Disney +s WandaVision is a show with a mystery as good as Lost. However, like Lost […]
We were robbed, you were tricked. Marve Studios’ new superhero smash fest Eternals wants you to want IT to be the next Avengers. Well, AKAPADders squad 69 is about to run wild on this jawn.
The greatest drawing spectacle is back with a dash of alcohol. Tonight Pete will tackle some sketchbook work, comic book pages, and carefully place insight between sips of the saucy sauce.
Mountain Dew Gingerbread Snap’D Christmas Soda View this post on Instagram A post shared by Peter A Deluca (@akapad69) A closer look at the insanely nice artwork for this label.