The Rob Liefeld Project
- On March 16, 2012
- rob liefeld

Hall Of Heroes
Where else better to get the BIG IDEA that was the Rob Liefeld Project other than a comic book shop? Hall of Heroes was that very place heck it’s where Avengelyne and Scarlet Crush artist / co-creator John Stinsman got his start. I was eager to add another name to the infamous Hall of Heroes Alumni. What started as fast ball point pen impression while managing, in some cases 100+ kids Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments grew into a bigger broader concept. The characters of the Extreme needed to be portrayed in this particular way. Hard & Gritty.
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Disney Sketch Book
The objective with these renderings was to play with the Extreme Universe characters in ways I had never seen but always wanted to. The experiment was to play with shapes, colors, and highlight the defining aspects of what made these characters so unique and inspiring.
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Rob Zorrowfeld // Bizarro Rob Liefeld
What was suppose to be apart of a viral marketing masterpiece Rob Zorrowfeld was going to be a Myspace page that would drive users to and then interact within The Rob Liefeld Project. Once the user was on the website I would make my case as to why these characters are nothing less than spectacular and innovative. I recall the page only had 45-50 members one of which was current Rob Lifeld collaborator Mark Poulton (please look him up) some of the people who posted comments actually got the joke and played along which was fun because all posts were to be in the character of Rob Zarrowfeld. What was set-up to be a mean spirited knock on Rob Liefeld was a Stone Fish intent on convincing the then Liefeld hating world that this guy and these characters needs a second look.
AKAPAD is a versatile thinker known across Philadelphia, Europe, and even in the vast Multiverse as The Electic One. By day, he excels as an IT Mastermind, assisting individuals, both big and small, with a wide range of simple and complex solutions. In contrast, he is also a talented illustrator, a passionate comic book enthusiast, a creative content creator, and an active live streamer. Additionally, his podcast, “AKAPAD The Film Buff Podcast,” boasts an impressive catalog of over 500 episodes available on nearly every major platform.