Fantastic Four 1994 Commentary – Dream Warriors 64
- On January 12, 2018
- Dream Warriors, Dream Warriors Podcast, fantastic four, marvel, marvel comics, podcast, post, superhero movie, superhero podcast
The 1st Appearance of the content push that’s obsessively occupies Pete’s life for the past 3ish years. In 1994 Roger Corman produced a now legendary Fantastic Four movie that is yet to be released. 3 years ago 3 drunk dudes sat down to watch this movie.
AKAPAD is a versatile thinker known across Philadelphia, Europe, and even in the vast Multiverse as The Electic One. By day, he excels as an IT Mastermind, assisting individuals, both big and small, with a wide range of simple and complex solutions. In contrast, he is also a talented illustrator, a passionate comic book enthusiast, a creative content creator, and an active live streamer. Additionally, his podcast, “AKAPAD The Film Buff Podcast,” boasts an impressive catalog of over 500 episodes available on nearly every major platform.