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In the nascent stages of Peter’s retail career, he diligently managed the counter and toy inventory at Rainbow Comics in Blackwood, NJ. In close proximity, the renowned Tiger Karate Academy attracted aspiring martial artists, including a young Norm, who frequented the three-for-a-dollar bin with invaluable assistance from Peter. However, their paths diverged, and it wasn’t until approximately eleven or twelve years later, during Peter’s tenure at the Echelon Mall Hall of Heroes, that fate would reunite the two.

Norm, now a regular mall-goer, crossed paths with Peter once again. The recognition dawned on them, leading to the establishment of a deep and meaningful friendship, coupled with a mentorship that would enrich both their lives.

Dream Warriors 30 NORM is Back with more Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Dream Warriors Eps 16 I want my DC TV – And DVR

DreamWarriors Eps 15 – True love for Tales from the Crypt

Dream Warriors Eps 14 – Dark Knight Returns the most epic Batman story

Dream Warriors Eps 11 Power Rangers TV and Upcoming Movie

Dream Warriors – 09- Pre-MCU Marvel Christmas Special

Dream Warriors – 08 – Star Wars Rogue One

Dream Warriors 06 Ghostbusters 2016 and Past – Present – Future

Dream Warriors EPS. 05

Dream Warriors EPS 3 – Marvel V DC – Rob Zombie 31 – Best Sci-Fi Movies

Dream Warriors Special Edition – Suicide Squad




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