The Car caps off the 70’s trend of crazy cars killing people and is the best of the bunch. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · The Car : Day 26 of the 31 Days of Dread
Texas Chainsaw continues from the original and let’s us see what happens after the events of the 1974 film. It’s a sequel and also wraps a trilogy and for that reason it’s worth enjoying. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · Texas Chainsaw 3D : Day 25 of the 31 Days of Dread
The Texas Chainsaw franchise is a hard shell to crack. So let’s make it easy and start at the beginning. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · Leatherface : Day 24 of the 31 Days of Dread
Few movies hit on all cylinders as well as Crawl does. Get ready for one of the best modern day creature features. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · Crawl : Day 23 of the 31 Days of Dread