The 2009 Friday the 13th Remake/Reboot is the best of the franchise. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · Friday the 13th : Day 31 of the 31 Days of Dread
It’s important to update films as they age an appeal less and less to the rising generation. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · A Nightmare on Elm Street : Day 30 of the 31 Days of Dread
Night of the Demons is the type of rare movie that is perfect mixed of teenage horror and teenage fun. All films are not perfect and this movie lives up to that standard but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · Night of the Demons : Day 29 of […]
The special effects alone are enough to mystify you, Christine is a beyond solid film that doesn’t have a wasted scene in it. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · Christine : Day 27 of the 31 Days of Dread