Watch @AKAPAD's broadcast: It's the INDIANA JONES Temple of DOOOOOOM adaptation 🔥 AND the Dan Jurgens FF adaptation 🍿🍿🍿🍿 — Peter A DeLuca (@AKAPAD) December 3, 2020
Criminally overlooked. Criminally under appreiated. The 1995 Judge Dredd flick is a masterwork in dystopian science fiction, action, comedy, and social commentary and is everything you would expect from a collection the very best of Hollywood has to offer. This you critique this do so from a poor and lazy place. Those who embrace it […]
Beginning once again for what I remember as the 3rd time. This is a drawing project that stretches back to my start in Philly. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Peter A Deluca (@akapad69)
With insanely busy month and Philadelphia the opportunity to do an Alan Moore Birthday Tribute piece passed right by me. Nov 18th came and went while I was locked into Uzi Suzi, Trial by Fire, and the 9-5 frustrated I allowed this to happen I said f_ck it and jumped on Twitch to do the […]
Slowing down and catching up it’s time for Thanksflicking, the films that we can watch over and over again. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #339 – Intro to THANKSFLICKING