Let’s open this episode with what really should happen to the theatrical experience and along the way hang out to chat everything Muppets with Peter A DeLuca AKAPAD. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · MUPPETS HAUNTED MANSION -Did Disney+ save the Muppets?
Scream 4 perfectly crystalizes the makeup of the franchise while introducing modern-day technology into the SCREAMVERSE. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · SCREAM 4 – is a bridge to Scream 2022
What do you do when you’re Marvel Comics and recruit a top-level talent from the independent ranks? You give them the work that’ll eventually make them leave. Trent Kaniuga’s early comic book career has been a long study of mine. Few creators came out of the 90’s boom as young and talented as Trent’s, however, […]
HOW IS THIS MOVIE ALREADY FORGOTTEN? Your host Peter A DeLuca AKAPAD gives his perspective on this already forgotten mafia classic. And takes into consideration it may have nothing to do with The Sopranos.nos AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · The forgotten MANY SAINTS OF NEWARK
Last night I was expecting to catch up on this year’s Inktober Clive Barker-themed sketchbook what happened instead was a character design session where I created two deadly foes for my upcoming WILDCAT anthology short story.