M. Night Shyamalan and Will Smith went through a rough patch at one point, this film is a convergence of that. However, many people have overlooked the trends that After Earth may have jump-started. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #450 – After Earth WILLSMITHATHON
Men in Black 3 might have created a perfect Sci-Fi time travel loop and in so established Men in Black as the greatest Sci-Fi Trilogy second to Austin Powers. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #449 – Men In Black 3 – WILLSMITHATHON
Seven Pounds got destroyed by lazy critics. What does AKAPAD have to say about it? AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #448 – Seven Pounds – WILLSMITHATHON
Yes, we have a Will Smith take unheard of in the world of entertainment commentary. Why? Because everyone is wrapped up in the grocery store tabloid drama of things we have little information about. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #447 – Will Smith what we lost
Growing up you had to choose whether you were team WildCATs or team Stormwatch. Well, guess which of the two I was? Join me as we dive into a seal preview ashcan of the late great Scott Clark in what might be his greatest work.
No joke, I just watched a chuck of this movie again. What amazing timing that I came across a stack of trading card packs from 1997. Let’s hope I get a Todd Auto.