What do we have here? #moutaindew and #flaminhot make a baby. Food gimmick or not, is this consumable? View this post on Instagram A post shared by Peter A Deluca (@akapad69)
Has the point of a show been lost with the pursuit of endless MCU connections, does the dislike for Hawkeye prove that fans can’t have fun with the MCU? AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #457 – HAWKEYE from Disney+
Where the Day Takes You is an important forgotten runaway homeless drama that embeds itself perfectly in 90’s style of independent filmmaking. Paired perfectly with Kids and The Laws of Gravity. Oh, and yes Will Smith too. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #456 – Where The Day Takes You WILLSMITHATHON
Ali is a good Oscar Bait Biopic that falls short of what an Oscar movie would be. It’s a difficult movie to process with no real emotional anchors. We needed to feel more of Ali’s plight with this venture. AKAPAD’s AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #455 – ALI WILLSMITHATHON
Admit it. You love Godzilla 1998. And you know compared to the foreign Godzilla flicks Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich delivered a top 5 franchise movie. We’ll let’s examine this the best way possible. With trading cards.
Two of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time are here in trading card form. We’re looking for a hot ass John Travolta autograph card. And yes, we want those sweet ID4 Will Smith chase cards too.