Owner, operator, and visionary behind Grok Comics Bill Raupp who also participated in one of my first 30 Questions to Save your life commissioned Fedrico to color an Apollo piece I created our of spec. I know handling my shadowing, double lighting, effecting, and linework is not straightforward even for a tested veteran, in reality, […]
Is Spider-Man No Way Home to film to thank for our current theatrical experiences? Your host Peter A DeLuca AKAPAD The Pop Culture Pope says, YES!!! Also, he is confused about how to even look at a film such as this. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #461 – Spider-Man No Way Home
For AKAPAD’s Audio Audacity episode 460 we bring you the 6th and final installment of the Loki Series 1 and it might be the best single hour we have yet to see from the entire MCU. AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #460 – LOKI EPS 6 from Disney+ the greatest hour of the MCU
It’s been a long time since the film world has NOT had the marvel cinematic universe. Well….. with a lot of time and content passed what The Pop Culture Popes’ view of what is known as the MCU is? AKAPAD's AUDIO AUDACITY PODCAST · #459 – WHAT IS THE MCU?