This is a Sharpie marker Batman sketch I randomly drew on an insert for a binned portfolio. I colored it in Photoshop because I wanted to play with the highlights.
Back in 2009 I was going back and forth with Comic Book creator Stephen Lindsay over a script he had called Nurse Shark. Unfortunately I completely dropped the ball on this project the responsibility with the Sign Pros and Design Pros transition was too much at the time. Essentially I left Steven hanging and was […]
Since High school when Diamond Previews started to truly take over the distribution of comic books. It was a dream of mine to be featured in a full color page ad of the catalog with my name somewhere in print. I always have Darren Davis to thank for the opportunity.
This is a character from a Comic Book Series I developed with an employee while at Hall of Heroes. Essentially him and I were the Butch and Sundance of the comic shop generating over 1-2k+ in sales Friday and Saturday nights and coming up with story concepts along the way. At this time I seem to the […]
Continuing my love of designing Desktop Wallpapers this something from the past and something new. Street Fighter 2 occupied my adolescence every day after school, Shepard Fairy and the OBEY movement has been something that deeply inspires me today. So, why not put the two together?
At one time I had a successful online store called The HEROStore and was producing 10-20 black and white illustrations a week for role playing manuals for companies like West End Games and Hero Games. These are some promotional banners that were running the circuit back then.