The moment you divert your attention is the moment you risk losing something invaluable—your edge. What’s at stake? Your ability to stay in the loop, to recognize and seamlessly incorporate what’s deemed cool into your work. However, there’s a perilous side to this dynamic. When a film like Lightyear accrues negative publicity online, it dissuades […]
The franchise that you never expected is now a legit franchise, Jumanji The Next Level showcases how vast this universe really is and what to expect in the next installment (if there is one). AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · #565 – Jumanji The Next Level
Whenever I embark on creating a video of this nature, the recurring question surfaces: “Should I produce a multitude of these for an AKAPAD University video series?” The envisioned outcome is a systematic organization that unlocks the secrets for both novices and veterans in an undefined field—namely, the art of living life and perpetually fostering […]
Peter A DeLuca AKAPAD was able to catch this movie on his way to Paris thanks to American Airlines. AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · #564 – Dangerous Liaisons
AKAPADders we have spoken. Here is the proof the Cartoonist Kayfakers have heard the AKAPAD Army knocking on their door demanding more fair and balanced takes on the history of American Comics. Referenced Video:
Dan Jurgens created the greatest-selling comic of all time and Ed Piskor can’t deal with it. The true face of CREEPY ED and The Other Guy has emerged, they are CARTOONIST KAYFAKE.
65 staring Adam Driver came and went and nobody seems to remember the flick. Well, thanks to American Airlines Peter A DeLuca AKAPAD the Film Buff is here to discuss this film with all of you. AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · #563 – 65 staring Adam Driver