The 7th live-action Transformers Installment is confusing when considering where it lands in the franchise continuity. But, is that the reason this movie did not land? AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · #568 – Transformers Rise Of The Beasts
While on a flight and after following the Ocean Gate Titanic Submerine sage Peter A DeLuca AKAPAD decided to watch one of the greatest movies of all time. TITANIC AKAPAD the FILM BUFF podcast · #567 – Titanic – What does the Heart of the Ocean represent?
We all love Gen 13 but where did the name come from? Jim Lee has some explaining to do. The timeline for the publications is as follows. – 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? March ,1993 – Diamond Previews featuring the Gen X ad. July, 1993 – Gen 13 Mini-Series Feb 1994