This movie is a little bit like a wrecking ball. It’ll mess with you because it’s as good and fun as it is bad and frustrating. Still we always have a silver lining here on the Dream Warriors Podcast. Day 08 of the 31 Days of Dread screams forward.
This movie is as awesome as it is insane. A true gem from the 80’s and symbolic of what to expect from the decades horror. Catch it now on Amazon Prime.
Some of us have been waiting since 1991 for this film. It’s good to finally go to a theater with a Venom popcorn bucket and finally, finally see this character done right on the big screen. Internal Tags: Marvel Comics Comic Books Horror Movie SuperHero Super Hero Super-Hero Todd Mcfarlane
The Devils Candy is a well made movie but sometimes that’s not enough to carry home the ideas presented – making this film uneven and amazingly hard to review. Catch it now on Netflix.
The Curse (1987) has long been on Pete’s watch list so finally, finally getting to this Italian horror film staring Wil Wheaton was a treat, or was it a trick?
This movie rocked Pete’s fragile world in two ways. How so? Listen and find out on the 31 DAYS OF DREAD only on Dream Warriors Podcast. Internal Tags: Universal Monsters